We live in a harsh world, so here's the real harsh reality. I'm here to tell you things most people in your life are too afraid to tell you because they think they might hurt your feelings.

The things I tell you are mostly what you already know but modern society shies away from. None of this is propaganda, it's simply a guide to master your emotions and be the boss you are.

These are thought provoking messages made to inspire and get your blood pumping. Your mental and physical wellbeing are two things you need to take control of. So lets learn and lets begin...


You're never too old to be curious. Try and discover things about yourself and the world around you.

person swimming surrounded by school of fish
person swimming surrounded by school of fish

Nothing worth having comes easy. Hard work is the minimum requirement needed to succeed.

It's easy to get distracted by things around you. Don't let them blind you from the path ahead.

boys in red jersey shirts
boys in red jersey shirts
closeup photo of person
closeup photo of person

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